Sonntag, 10. April 2011

Hawaii 2011

Sorry, i haven't posted in a LONG time, but I spend my week on Hawai'i.
And it was BRILLIANT. The next week I had to make up all the work i missed in school though, so last week has been kinda busy.
I met so many new people from all over the world and many of em became my friends and i took 1400 pictures and I JUST HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE :)...
i went surfing, snorkeling, hiking and having fun in the sun. waikiki is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.
That trip changed my life.
Last week, I started to work for our yearbook; taking pictures of the tennis tournaments is my assignment. WELL, tomorrow I will miss school to go take pictures of the tennis tournament, which means I am not having 2 tests tomorrow, which also means that it gives me more time to study, which I REALLY appreciate... the last 6 weeks til summer break start tomorrow. and i am SO excited for summer- its gonna be the best one in a loooooong time! :)
love yall.

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